We were delighted to have our Seedpod Bird Feeders chosen to feature in the Irish Asthma Society's "Treat not Trigger"Garden at Bloom in the Park. The Garden was designed by Fiann Ó Nualláin to show that asthma sufferers do not need to avoid flowers in their gardens. Our bird feeders were there to attract birds to eat insects which can trigger asthma.
Here are Fiann's tips on how to create an Asthma friendly garden:
1. Choose plants that are pollinated by bees, the pollen is heavier and sticky and therefore stays on the bees rather than floating around the garden.
2. Avoid wind pollinated plants which disperse copious amounts of pollen into the air.
3. Avoid plants which are intensely fragrant as they can be a trigger for allergies and asthma.
4. Choose female plants, as they produce no pollen. Sterile male plants are also a good choice.
5. Grass is a major pollen producer so mow your lawn regularly, before it flowers.
6. Wear a mask when mowing lawn or trimming hedge.
7. If possible replace your lawn with gravel
8. Replace organic mulches with inorganic mulches
9. Avoid ornamental grasses in your planting schemes.
10. Remove hedges which harbour dust, pollen grains and mould spores which can trigger asthma and allergy symptoms.
11. Planting female and thus fruiting trees will attract birds to feed on insects
12. If space is limited place bird feeders will attract birds to keep insect dander out of your breathable atmosphere.